Jobs Guide

Black North
Black North is a bridging program assisting black families in career building, home ownership, and financial development
Through their BlackNorth Academy program, which is an online course, they guide Black professionals on finding their ideal career paths and into the boardrooms of Canadian businesses
Students get to listen and learn from many professionals, including current and former CEOs, learn about the art of negotiation, leadership, creating a strong business plan, and digital business integration
WCG Employment Ontario
WCG Employment Ontario is another prominent employment organization in the province linking all job seekers to the necessary information
WCG partners with Ontario Employment to offer employers and job seekers specifically in Peel Region the opportunity to connect
Many services found are dedicated to women, newcomers, people with disabilities alike
Achev is an over 30 years old organization committed to helping newcomers and Canadians secure and maintain the best career opportunities
Achev provide a variety of services including virtual hiring events, mentoring programs, career pathway program for women, career loans, virtual career counselling, job interviewing, salary negotiations, and resume writing
Users can also browse their online calendar and register for an array of specialized workshops and webinars
JVS is a non-for-profit employment assistance organization that helps connect employers and employees, and guide students towards to the right careers paths through a variety of free services
JVS has specialized services for the youth, new comers, people living with disabilities, and general career exploration services
The website connects job seekers to employment agencies, resources for starting a business, skill assessments, and many career-centreed workshops throughout the year
Approved immigrants can get pre-arrival assistance with their job search
Refugees can find information pertaining to their specific needs, including a variety of employment programs